A new session of Divorce Care will be starting Monday September 9th 2024 and will run into December. The time of 6:30-8:30 pm remains the same, as well as meeting in the Library. This is the #1 Divorce recovery program in the world.  It is a Biblically-based 3-step program. Come bond with other and get practical advice to help you heal and put your life back together. For more information contact St Mark or Susan Rudny here.  We will meet one night per week.


Adult Bible Study


Adult Bible Study will start on Tuesday mornings from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM.  Location will be based on the number attending but we are currently meeting in the library.  All are welcome.  Call the church office for more information (847) 356-8140.



Senior Choir and Bell Choir rehearsals start next week,

Tuesday, October 15th:

Senior Choir @ 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary

Bell Choir @ 7:00 p.m. in the bell rehearsal room.

All are welcome and invited.

“Oh, sing to the Lord a new song;

sing to the Lord, all the earth!

Sing to the Lord, bless his name;

tell of his salvation from day to day.”

Psalm 96:1



Women's Bible Study


Connie Saunders is hosting a new Women's Bible Study on Wednesday mornings starting on January 15th at the usual time, 9:30 -11:00 am in the Church Library.  Its a 7-week study by Jennifer Rothschild: Me, Myself and Lies. Workbooks cost $16.00; they can be paid for at the first session. Women can contact Connie to sign up.



Weekly Prayer Team


The Prayer Team/s weekly agenda:

1. St. Mark's Church event's, decisions and prayer chain submissions

2. Local, county, state, national and global officials and current issues

3. Personal prayer needs and sharing testimonies


Starting December 2024, the Weekly Prayer Team will be meeting on Thursday's at 6:30pm via zoom until further notice. All are welcome to join!  Please contact Barb Ewert for the zoom link access. Additional information, contact Pam Burke.



Saturdays throughout the year the Men's Saturday Morning Bible Study meets at 7:00 AM in St Mark's library.   Meetings consist of prayer, bible study and fellowship.  They do not meet on the 2nd Saturday. Please check with either Dan or Gary regarding exact time and place during the Covid-19 pandemic. Contact Dan Kwiatkowski or Gary Olson .  

Our monthly Men's Ministry is called "H.I.S. Ministry" we began in September of 2018, our vision is to simply create an environment where men sharpen each other, just like Proverbs 27:17- “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend”. Our 3 key principles helped us name the ministry:   H - Humility, I - Integrity, and S - Spirituality.  


As none of us have room for boasting, we should surely have a servant's heart (Humility).  We must also be honest and always take the higher moral ground (Integrity).  Above all else, we need to accept and trust Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour for daily help and eternal salvation (Spirituality).  When we get these things right, we can have a positive impact on our families and our communities where we live, work and serve.   We always have room for one more man (age 15+). Contact Jerry Doran.  Men's Ministry meets on the 2nd Saturday of the month.