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Senior Choir and Bell Choir rehearsals started on
Tuesday, October 15th:
Senior Choir @ 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary
Bell Choir @ 5:00 p.m. in the bell rehearsal room.
All are welcome and invited.
“Oh, sing to the Lord a new song;
sing to the Lord, all the earth!
Sing to the Lord, bless his name;
tell of his salvation from day to day.”
Psalm 96:1
You can still reach out to the the Director Paul Cramer for information about joining. They usually meet for one hour on Tuesday evenings, beginning at 6:00 PM (Sept – May). The senior choir sings a variety of music, often collaborating with brass groups, bells, and soloists. During the school year, we sing about twice a month, and at specials times such as Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. The senior choir welcomes singers of all ability levels and experience. Please stop by and sing with us!
St. Mark’s Bell Ringers are back.
When active the hand bell choir is open to anyone high school age and up who loves to make music! THe Bell Choir practices on Tuesdays starting at 5:00 pm. We invite you to join our group whether you are a seasoned bell ringer, or have never rung before (some musical experience is helpful) – we will train you! We need regular ringers, and substitutes. They play a variety of music about once a month during the traditional services, sometimes in conjunction with other groups.
Many of the liturgy settings used in the traditional service at St. Mark rely on cantors. If you are interested in being a cantor, we are happy to work with you to go through the settings of the Liturgy used at St. Mark and to see if they work with your range and comfort level. Cantors are scheduled by Paul Cramer.
We are always looking for those who would like to be part of an occasional small group, or who would like to offer their vocal or instrumental talents. We have a small library of music that is ever growing, but are happy to consider pieces individuals or groups have already learned! Please talk to Paul Cramer to find out about scheduling a special music slot.